DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


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Haden Cemetery

Located north of Hwy 84 west about 4 miles from Mansfield on private property of what is/was known as Jepp Lawrence land.  It is enclosed in a wrought-iron fence with 4 huge cedar trees and 7 more various kinds of trees. There is a padlock on the gate that looks to be over a hundred years old.  There are several graves but the tombstones are down and broken.

According to the article in the Cemetery book, Mr. Lawrence bought the land from the Haden family who had a neighbor, Mr. Colbert who never married but raised a large family by his colored housekeeper.  One day a drifter showed up at Mr. Colbert's and there was a argument and the drifter was killed.  Mr. Colbert asked for Mr. Lawrence's help and they buried the drifter near the Haden Cemetery and planted a cedar tree for a headstone.   Mr. Colbert died some time later and was buried next to the drifter and another cedar tree was planted for his headstone.

The only names mentioned that are buried here are:

Martxxx Taylor Haden was born November 5, 1828 and was the wife of G. G. Haden.

Son of G. G. Haden born November 5, 1854. 



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Page Modified: 06 May 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Bryant