Austin County, Texas

Austin County Cemeteries


GenFolks website
To make the cemetery data easier to maintain and search, a cemetery database that may contain more information is located on the GenFolks website ( A new tab will open )

Please remember that many of the older cemeteries are located on private property. Please respect not only the cemetery but also the property owner's rights. Always obtain permission to enter private property.


William Shelburne Cemetery

AKA: Shelburne William Cemetery, William Lewis Farm Cemetery | Near Nelsonville

From Nelsonville go 1.7 miles west of Hwy. 159, turn left (south) on Zettle Road, go 0.4 miles to drive for farm #503, turn right on drive to home of Laura Mae Slacik. Cemetery is 0.2 miles southwest of Zettle Road and about 100 yards northeast of Laura Mae’s house.

Name GenFolks
James, Mattie (1882-1882)Details
Shelburne, Mary Catherine (Terry) (1832-1893)Details
Shelburne, William Lewis (1823-1878)Details
Page Last Updated: 23 March 2024