Robertson County




County Coordinator is Jane Keppler.

County Co-Coordinator is Jean Huot Smoorenburg

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 Franklin High School Chaparral Year Book


Contributed by Judy Elliott, Librarian - Franklin High School;
beautifully typed by Jo Ella Snider-Parker (



Buford Bishop Helen Holden Lynn Mauk
Talmadge Boyd Wilbur Jackson Daniel McCrary
Constance Bradbury Tucker Kay Georgia O’Neal
Virginia Carter Ellen King Reagan Peeler
Hilda Curry Elizabeth Mae Langford Henry W. Poetter
Rudolph Donat Gladys Lee Mozelle Smith
Ruby Lee Duncan Harvey Lewis Claude Starkey
Rhoda Galloway Pauline Lumpkin Catherine Thompson
Lynn Gilstrap Melvin Marshall Grace Truett
Faye Haygood Robert Marshall Mary Truett
Oliver Hicks Lawrence Martine Mabel Van Pelt



Albert Baxter Acrata Hamilton Clarence Peters
Carroll Book Reagan Hicks Barney Ward Reagan
Mitchell Brown Leo Lewis Robert Reagan
Edna Brunette Louise Lipscomb Ruth Reynolds
Cecil Cobb Josephine Mann James Seigler
Estes Cole Naureet Mann Jimmie Stephens
Calvert Curry Mamie Marshall Vardy Wheeless
Grace Duffey June Mitchell  Vincent Wheeless
Verna Goodman Pauline Peeler  



Thomas Baxter Jim F. Frost Roland Reynolds
David Blonstein Mary Galloway Joe Scott
Allene Book Clifford Gilland Marvin Seigler
Bernice Brazier Willie Hancock J. V. Starkey
Gladys Bush Horace Holden Howard Stegall
Estelle Cadle Odes Howell Oleta Taylor
Eileene Chandler Essie James Westbrook Teer
Alma Clevenger Henry Lumpkin Mattie Thompson
Belva Cox Thelma Peters Owena Turner
D. L. Dotson Cecil Rambo Mavis Walker
Reba Dudley Walter Reiss  



Dixie Andrews S. J. Griffin J. C. Lockett
Hattie Bartholomew John Hancock Herbert Luster
 Beulah Beall Carlton Hicks Henry Marshall
James Bugg Oyce Hughes Levi Newman
Blanche Burnside Nell Hurley Quinlan O’Neal
Iris Chandler Robert Lloyd Jackson Floyd O’Rear
Thomas Cole Asel James Earnest Rambo
Carl Duffey Ray Johnson  John Henry Reagan
Elton Easterly Willie Dean Kay Velma Reagan
Sylman Galloway Maris Kellogg Floyd Sharp
Rufus Gilstrap Estelle King Hubert Smith
Neut Griffin Francis Lewis Oliver Stegall

Names are typed as they appear in the yearbook even though some spelling errors may be apparent.


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State Coordinator: Gina Heffernan

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Page Modified: 20 June 2022

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