Robertson County TX

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P O R T   S U L L I V A N ,   T E X A S :   G H O S T   T O W N


By John Martin Brockman
1968 Texas A&M University Master's Thesis

These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format by other organizations or individuals. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of John Martin Brockman.

Even though the Port Sullivan community was across the Brazos River from Robertson County in Milam County, large numbers of its residents were originally from and ended up in Robertson County.  As a result, any information that can be found relating to Port Sullivan and its residents will be placed online at the Robertson County site.  This will (hopefully) include an unpublished manuscript once held by Mrs. Helen Peel of Hearne as well as a handwritten journal written by Bremond's John Coleman Roberts.  If you have information about Port Sullivan that you'd like to share, please contact Jane Keppler.


Port Sullivan, Texas:  Ghost Town.  (August, 1968)

John M. Brockman, B. A., Southwestern University

M. A., Texas A&M University;

Directed by:  Dr. J. M. Nance

On the Brazos River in Milam County, Texas, just above the mouth of Little River, the town of Port Sullivan was founded in the early 1850s.  The town, located 341 miles above the mouth of the Brazos and approximately six miles above the present town of Hearne, grew to a population of 1, 423 by 1870.  Around 1870, Port Sullivan began a rapid decline and soon disappeared completely.

This is a study of the town of Port Sullivan, from its rise to its passage from history.  It is the story of the people who lived there; their economic, political, religious, and social institutions.  The study includes a thorough investigation of the navigation of the Brazos River to Port Sullivan ;and the effect of railroad transportation on the town.  The relationship of Port Sullivan with the major events in the state's and nation's history during the time the town existed is discussed.





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Page Modified: 20 September 2017



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