Robertson County




County Coordinator is Jane Keppler.

County Co-Coordinator is Jean Huot Smoorenburg

If you have any questions or would like to submit information for Robertson County,

please email one of the above.



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TXGenWeb Robertson County History

C O U N T I E S   O R G A N I Z E D   F R O M   R O B E R T S O N ' S   C O L O N Y

Robertson's Original Colony

Present Day Counties

Central Texas was colonized by the Robertson Colony, 1825 - 1836.  All or part of 30 Central Texas counties have been organized from this colony.

Name Date Organized County Seat
Milam 1836 Cameron
Bastrop 1837 Bastrop
Robertson 1837 Franklin
Brazos 1841 Bryan
Burleson 1846 Caldwell
Limestone 1846 Groesbeck
Williamson 1848 Georgetown
Bell 1850 Belton
McLennan 1850 Waco
Falls 1850 Marlin
Hill 1851 Hillsboro
Coryell 1854 Gatesville
Johnson 1854 Cleburne
Burnet 1854 Burnet
Bosque 1854 Meridian
Parker 1855 Weatherford
Comanche 1856 Comanche
Lampasas 1856 Lampasas
Erath 1856 Stephenville
Brown 1856 Brownwood
Jack 1856 Jacksboro
Palo Pinto 1856 Palo Pinto
Callahan 1858 Baird
Stephens 1858 Breckenridge
Hamilton 1858 Hamilton
Hood 1866 Granbury
Eastland 1873 Eastland
Lee 1874 Giddings
Somerville 1875 Glen Rose
Mills 1887 Goldthwaite

Source:  Brochure of the Central Texas Area Museum Of History, Salado, Bell County, TX, 1969


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State Coordinator: Gina Heffernan

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Page Modified: 31 August 2023

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