Robertson County




County Coordinator is Jane Keppler.

County Co-Coordinator is Jean Huot Smoorenburg

If you have any questions or would like to submit information for Robertson County,

please email one of the above.



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Naturalization Records

All Records In Index

Cornelia A. Starkey, Robertson County District Clerk, contributed Robertson County's naturalization records index for inclusion at this site.   Since information (including surname & given name misspellings) appears "as is," you may wish to review the entire list & check for alternate spellings that may appear in unlikely places.  While this index contains some 1,000 names, it does not appear to be complete.  For example, one researcher found a copy of a certificate signed by Robertson County Judge P. M. Hall on 5.3.1879 declaring Frank Farmer Doherty to be a citizen (Mr. Doherty's name does not appear in this index).  So, if you know that an ancestor was naturalized in Robertson County and the name doesn't appear in this index, you may simply have to go through the district and county court records on file in the Robertson County courthouse.  (Note:  Records have been kept large intentionally since readability diminished considerably when the pages were reduced in size.)

Records In This Index Are Available In One Of The Following Offices (see "Name Of Court" column):

Robertson County Clerk
Robertson County Courthouse
Post Office Box 1029

Franklin, Texas 77856

979.828.4130 phone
Hours: Monday � Friday: 8 � 5
Robertson County District Clerk
Robertson County Courthouse
Post Office Box 250

Franklin, Texas 77856

979.828.3636 phone
Hours: Monday � Friday: 8 � 5

DecOfInt - Declaration Of Intention, PetForNat - Petition For Naturalization, GrantOfCit - Grant Of Citation, CC - County Court, DC - District Court, CoCoMin - County Court Minutes, DistCoCivDkt - District Court Civil Docket, CivMin - Civil Minutes, CertOfNat - Certificate Of Naturalization, RecOfDecOfInt - Recordation of Declaration Of Intent, Pet&Rec - Petition & Recordation, oppp - opposite page, p - page number, Vol - volume



A-B-C (some D's)

D-E-F (some G's)


J-K-L (some M's)

M-N-O (some P's)

P-Q-R (some S's)








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State Coordinator: Gina Heffernan

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Page Modified: 15 April 2024

Copyright @ 2014-present by Jane Keppler. This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Jane Keppler. If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material that is published at this website.